segunda-feira, 30 de agosto de 2010

[Set #4] Ignisterra Phoenix (Especial)

Aqui está o post que há pouco vos falei. Antes de mais, se quiserem ver a final que ganhei com este clube, visitem:

This link above is the link for the Portuguese Kitmaking Champions League, which I won today. You can obviously visit it if you register, but it has lots of specials written in Portuguese. We've made a video and a background story for the kits, because our theme made us create a new country and city for a new club, so we made it bigger and a story in which everyone went to another planet and so the story we wrote took place in 2052, with futuristic logos and templates, or at least, that was our aim.

Desta vez, não vou explicar muito os kits, visto que não há história de kits antigos para vos explicar. Desfrutem!

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